Gone, Long Gone
Well, it's gone. As of September 9, 2006, it's gone. I'm referring, of course, to Marshall Field and Company. The green is gone. The red star is here...and it's not welcome. But at least the name plates will stay. | ![]() |
Despite my cold, I decided to take a trip down the Red Line and check out the protest. I must say, it was very well run. Before things got underway, someone who I assume is one of the planners from fieldsfanschicago.org asked everybody to keep five feet from the building, to not block the entrance, and in other ways respect the normal flow of business and to keep the protest legal -- and safe. Then there was a singing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" before the march around the building began, with chants of "Field's is Chicago! Boycott Macy's!," "One-two-three-four, we won't shop here any more!," and "Two-four-six-eight, Marshall Field's is really great!"
The protest was very restrained -- there were no physical attacks, no threats, no nothing like that...just the occasional grumble, "Boo!" or "Shame!" yelled at people who walked out with a Macy's purchase. One lady walked out, showed her hands, and enthusiastically exclaimed, "I didn't buy anything!" She got a big cheer from the crowd! I heard from other protesters that someone walked out with a Macy's bag to shouts of "CRUCIFY HIM!" and "STONE HIM!"
The protest included at least one credit card cutting ceremony, and a solidaritous litany of all the stores that Federated either renamed Macy's or just plain obliterated - and that reading must have gone on for ten minutes. I do have video of it, but unfortunately it's too big to post.
It's bad enough that Federated is taking away Chicago's crown jewel...but they're also taking away someone's name -- Marshall Field almost single-handedly made Chicago what it is and what we know and love.
I really don't know what more I can say other than I'm one of many (including my wife) who will never set foot in any Macy's store -- or any other store owned by Federated -- ever. Period. I finally fulfilled my lifelong dream of living in Chicago a week ago...and this is what welcomes me.
I'll let www.fieldsfanschicago.org do the rest of the talking, along with the following pictures I took; I might throw a DVD together of the video I shot with my digital camera as well...and, of course, I'll be happy to make copies for anybody who wants one -- I do expect blank DVDs and return postage, of course; I can't afford to do it for free!

This was the first superficial indication that all was not well. Seriously, I almost welled up when I saw this...it's just not right.

Gail Heriot was handing out these lapel stickers. She gave a nice commentary on NPR, and you can listen to it here.

Many Chicago TV stations were there to cover the festivities.

There's just something not right about a Macy's being on the same street as the Chicago Theater.

Being 31 years old, I was concerned that I might be the youngest, not having had a heck of a lot of opportunities to be a true die-hard Macy's shopper...until I saw these two protesting.

It was also refreshing to see people closer to my age speaking out!

This really nice lady posed for me with a Marshall Field & Company book she told me she's had since the '50s. Unfortunately, I didn't get a good look at what exactly kind of book it is -- I'm guessing some kind of a planner. If anybody knows, feel free to comment or otherwise drop me a line.

These protesters were across the street, which explains the grainy quality of the photograph. The green receptacle was for the Macy's credit card cutting ceremony. The gentleman's sign simply reads, "Honk for Field's."

This CTA bus driver enthusiastically -- and repeatedly -- honked his horn in support of the protesters.

Someone who I believe was one of the leaders, most likely from fieldsfanschicago.org, of the protest, with coverage from Channel 2...

Easily my favorite sign from the protest -- and I heard others share the same feelings! This gentleman was wearing a T-shirt from NewAthens.org.

I saw this sign in one of the Marshall Field windows. I had to point it out to several people for its unintentional irony.
![]() | The front and back of this ex-customer's sandwich board recall Marshall Field's original slogan. | ![]() |

A WMAQ camera captures a protester's Marshall Field's shopping bag. (Not pictured: the customer's shopping bag.)

Another TV camera, this one placed inside the Marshall Field's building, gets footage of a protester throwing himself onto a store window, showing off his anti-Macy's T-shirt from NewAthens.org. (Pictured: me, taking a picture of this dude, in the reflection of the window.)

This is another one of my favorite signs I saw at the protest. It's hard to read -- I apologize for the blur, but this was the only picture I was able to get of it -- but here's what it says, in case you have a hard time reading it: "THANKS, FIELD'S for the greatest store, Art Institute, Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Univ. of Chicago, Merch. Mart...THANKS, FIELD'S for Frangos, Walnut Room, 28 Shop, Glamorama, Tiffany dome, Chicago designers' showcase, Christmas windows...NO THANKS, MESSY'S. WAY NOT TO SHOP. BOYCOTT MESSY'S & BLAHMINGBALE'S [sic]." (See what I mean about Marshall Field nearly single-handedly shaping Chicago?)

I wonder whether anybody else noticed how foreshadowing this Christmas shopping bag unfortunately was. (In other words...Can you spot the picture of Terry Lundgren, who is effectively stealing Christmas from many Chicagoans?)

Another of my favorite protest signs (despite the grammar error), along with a couple of others. The "naked" sign belonged to one of the younger, and more vocal, protesters.

Being a Beatles fan, I just had to get a picture of this sign.
A few opening remarks...
Before the march...
About two hours into the protest, Monster Energy comes by in a pickup truck and offers water and energy drinks to the protesters. In the video, one of the leaders with the bullhorn asks the predictable question about Federated affiliations; my voice is the one that demands that the Monster folk taste the drink first. 8)
Several protesters engage in a conversation regarding Macy's, the fate of Frango, et al.
After about 11:00am, a disturbing announcement is made.
At this point I have posted all the video files I'm able to post. Check back for DVD details.